Tuesday, January 19, 2010

23 Things Week 2: Social Networking

I'm in Facebook and LinkedIn and Ning.

Haven't really explored the social aspects of Ning very much, I was asked to join a test class. It looks very good for that kind of a setting.

I look at Facebook a couple times a week, and haven't really been too impressed. I guess it's easy to communicate to all my friends, but I could just send them all an email. I've only been on since November, 2009 I think.

I've found it very annoying to have former acquaintances request friendship. I joined because a friend moved away and he was a big Facebook user. When I came back to the site a couple days later I had 14 friend requests! And I told NO ONE! And these were all people from a different group than the friend that moved. How did they find me so fast? That was kinda scary.

My library has a Facebook page.

LinkedIn could be good for professional networking.


  1. I view Facebook almost like an RSS Reader. Instead of sending separate emails to my friends, I can go to Facebook and find them all in one place. Facebook is like a human aggregator :-).

    Rebecca Brown
    23 Things Mentor

  2. Rebecca, That's a good way to look at it.
