Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Library Images that are Interesting or Unusual

Things have been very busy and I haven't gotten around to finishing the 23 things, but I thought I'd use this blog to post some interesting library related photos I've found.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 6 Tagging and Social Bookmarking

I tried this back 2008, but haven't really used it much. I started it to drive some traffic to some of my websites. I've gotten a few hits, but haven't really gotten social enough for it to pay off I guess. I have accounts at Delicious (rlindsey58), Digg (rlindsey58), Technorati (RobertMLindsey), and StumbleUpon (rlindsey58). I don't really know of anyone using these tools, but a lot of people must. It probably helps if you know someone already using it. I guess you could say I have most of my bookmarked sites in my RSS feed.

Week 5 (a lot late) 23 Things RSS Feeds

I've used RSS for a while. I use Bloglines.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Okay, NOW Facebook is paying off

Well, just this weekend, I've found two old Army buddies and a college roommate on Facebook. (or "Spacebook" and "MyFace" as I like to call them). That is cool. Still several people AWOL. I've put as much info as I can for them to find me. However, since I really didn't like most anyone I went to high school with, I haven't put my high school. One has found me anyway, through my sister.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 4, Photos

I've been doing photo stuff online for a long time. I've had a Webshots account since August 1999. (Is that really more than a decade ago?) My current capacity is: Photos 13,500, and Videos 1,350.

I've got a Flickr account, but it just stores photos for one of my blogs. And since they only allow 200 photos, I rarely do anything with it. Flickr is definitely the one to use if you want to be more social. I had a photobucket account I think, but the same thing as Flickr, they only let me have a few photos without charging. Of course, now Webshots has these annoying ads with sound that turn on every page you go to. So I guess that is the price to pay.

Any photos you upload to Blogger go to a Picasa album, but they don't tell you that. They are locked by default, but you can open them up to share.


I forgot to post this last week, so this is quick. I've been involved in many webinars. I've been the one to receive the instructions, the one to enter the instructions that were mailed to someone else, and just as a participant.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

23 Things Week 2: Social Networking

I'm in Facebook and LinkedIn and Ning.

Haven't really explored the social aspects of Ning very much, I was asked to join a test class. It looks very good for that kind of a setting.

I look at Facebook a couple times a week, and haven't really been too impressed. I guess it's easy to communicate to all my friends, but I could just send them all an email. I've only been on since November, 2009 I think.

I've found it very annoying to have former acquaintances request friendship. I joined because a friend moved away and he was a big Facebook user. When I came back to the site a couple days later I had 14 friend requests! And I told NO ONE! And these were all people from a different group than the friend that moved. How did they find me so fast? That was kinda scary.

My library has a Facebook page.

LinkedIn could be good for professional networking.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week One: Blogging

So, my first adventure for 23 Things is creating this blog and making a post.

I'm Robert Lindsey, Instruction and Reference Librarian at Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS.

I'm supposed to do this:

In the following weeks, you will be writing about the other 22 things. Along with the assignments that your mentors will give you, consider the following blogging prompts:

* What are your feelings (good and bad) concerning the tool of the week?
Feelings? I'm a guy, I'll tell you what I think, but I'm not in touch with my feelings enough to know how to answer this.
* Have you had any breakthroughs? Any failures? What have you learned from them?
I've got a few blogs, so this isn't new. I use Blogger and WordPress. However, there are several new things that I am looking forward to learning.
* Create links to resources, other people’s blogs, or other useful sites on the web in order to connect your posts to the wider world (even if you’re only linking back to the 23 Things blog!).
* Most importantly, visit a few other participants’ blogs and leave comments on their posts so you can start conversations.
Will do.